The New York Times released a series in honor of “The Day of the Girl” (coined by the UN). They asked 18 year old girls to show them what it’s like to be 18 and female in our world. The results are so compelling and diverse, and I highly recommend checking it out for yourself! They also invited women who have seen the age of 18 in the rear view mirror to share a photo of themselves at the threshold of adulthood, and share what words they would tell the girl in the photo. This is a letter to myself yesterday as much as it is a letter to me at 18. Also, this letter will not be grammatically correct. Sorry bout it. |

You can’t keep all the rules. There is forgiveness and grace when you mess up. You’re never stuck where you are, even when it seems like you’ve been to the darkest place that you said you’d never get to. Stop trying to keep all the rules. You don’t even have a perfect record to mess up, because you’re human and that was ruined a long time ago. You are loved and lovable, even when no one asks you out. Just check John 15:9 for a reminder. You are not alone, even when you avoid eye contact with everyone and walk alone on campus. Just check Psalm 139. You are good enough. Why? Check Jeremiah 31:34. Don’t give a single f*** when some human (or devil) tries to tell you who you are. You were made by a Creator who has the sole authority to define you. Do you know what his definition of you is? There are many entries, but one is a branch. You are a branch connected to his vine, and you must remain close to the Truth (aka the Bible, the Word of God), in order to remember who you are. Knowing yourself will allow you to seek a purpose in this life that transcends past your death and into eternity. It’s not all about you. It is 100% about Him. Don’t lose hope. But when you do, He will find you with more grace again. And again.
This is your story; this is your song. Don’t be ashamed of it.
Visit www.nytimes.comthisis18 for the original NY Times project.
This is your story; this is your song. Don’t be ashamed of it.
Visit www.nytimes.comthisis18 for the original NY Times project.